Day One Recap
If you were to ask the La Joya team how this morning went, we would probably say that we were blessed. We were blessed with safe travels, encouraging conversations, a great team connection starting to form, and blessed that the Lord answered our prayers. In the midst of Nancy missing her passport (which ended up being at her home), we were all hesitant, nervous, and afraid that Nancy would not be able to receive her passport in time in order to make our first flight out of Detroit. The whole team went through with Cindy and Nancy behind waiting for the passport to be delivered. Cindy came through security and after Cindy leading the group in prayer, Nancy came through just in time for our flight! Although Ralph, the American Airlines ticket attendant, helped get Nancy through the TSA security check as fast as he could, it was such a pure act from God. It is truly amazing what He can do when we give up the situations we can't control to Him. Nonetheless, He was surely quick to answer this prayer! After arriving safely in Miami and then off to Managua, we made our way to Hostal del Pacifico in Chinandega. Even though WiFi is limited to the lobby area and rooms may be of little space, we are soaking in the Nicaraguan culture and especially enjoying our wonderful dinner of vegetables, rice, chicken, plantain chips, and rice pudding! With a hopeful mind and heart coming from our group Bible devotion, we are ready to set up the eye class clinic tomorrow and start being the hands and feet of Jesus. To sum today up, it was a little shaky in the beginning, but by giving our circumstances to God and letting Him have control, we are off to a fabulous and safe start!
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